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Kick Starter Programme

This is our schools programme and the content can be used for a term or extended.


Subjects covered are:

Stranger danger Confidence and Bullying, Health, Mindfulness Self esteem, Self defence Awards: Certificates of Acheviement and Badge System for younger children 

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Tiger Tots

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Specifics: This training system is designed to improve motor skills while enhancing

attention skills. The instruction teaches the basic fundamentals of self-defence in a

positive environment that helps foster a positive attitude in the kids. All classes are

taught using the most safe, fun and exciting instruction methods available for this age

group. This programme works in conjunction with the Karate for Kids programme,

thereby emphasising the same important monthly themes and value system. This is

a great way for kids to get exercise and have fun!


Awards: Badges are awarded for outstanding performance in the martial arts class,

home and school. We believe in positive re-enforcement for appropriate good behaviour

and performance.

Teaching Concept: The Tigers Tots system is based on a lifetime learning concept in

addition to technical skills. Our basic building blocks for the Tigers Tots system are

monthly themes, including the following: Courtesy, Respect, Confidence, Honesty,

Perseverance, Self-Discipline.

Beginners Martial Arts Programme

Our 6 month introductory programme


Designed to introduce the beginner to the fascinating Martial Art of Tang Soo Do and prepare them for your Black-Belt training. The aim is for the Students to become fitter, stronger & healthier whilst having fun promoting non-violent resolutions to conflict, helping children understand conflict through role-play


Students learn 10 life skills, including: confidence, self-discipline, respect, perseverance and control.  Our younger students are treated with the same respect as adults and are taught to return that respect to others.  We believe in praise, encouragement and positive reinforcement, with incentives for good report cards. We teach the value of setting goals and working to achieve them Training in an environment free from physical harm & emotional intimidation


The Beginners Martial Arts programme is the foundation training for the Leadership Programme and is an opportunity for the students to access if setting the

goal to black belt makes sense.

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Leadership Programme

The Programme the for students who have set the goal for blackbelt training The leadership program is designed to help our students obtain greater success in all areas of their lives.

There are no restrictions for age rank or ability the key to success on the leadership programme is your students personal conviction and commitment to become a role model which will ultimately find them as a martial artist and a representative ultimately of Family Martial Arts Centres.


In the basic training the student elevated their participation to the status of the serious hobby. We will cover 12 leadership skills found in the leadership handbook

Creativity Charisma Commitment Courage Vision Action Strategy Trust Passion Perseverance Motivation Communication.

Junior Instructor Training

At monthly seminars children will work through the course content with the Masters.

With a mix of class room style and on the mat practical learning, students will work through an easy to follow workbook which will guide them through the programme.

Children can take as long as you like to complete the programme. Each seminar will be 2 hours and held monthly at our full time centres. All ranks from any of our centres can attend the Success Coach Programme and its suitable for 11 years plus.

(For 7-12 year olds ask about our Junior Instructor Programme JIT).


Assistant Instructor Training

At monthly seminars students will work through the course content with the Masters.

With a mix of class room style and on the mat practical learning, students will work through an easy to follow workbook which will guide you through the programme.

One  can take as long as you like to complete the programme. Each seminar will be 2 hours and held monthly at our full time centres. All ranks from any of our centres can attend the Success Coach Programme and its suitable for 11 years plus.

Certified Instructor Training

The C.I.T course is designed to create fully qualified Black-Belt instructors who have the skills and knowledge to become either part-time or full-time professional martial arts instructors and/or school owners.


Simply being a Black Belt in martial arts is not enough to ensure your success as a professional… you may only be a white belt in business terms! Most full-time

instructors don’t have the business skills and training to understand and develop their school into a professionally run and profitable academy.

The Certified Instructor Training course is designed to fill this gap. Once you have completed the C.I.T course you will have all the skills needed to become a fulltime professional martial arts instructor or a successful school owner! This course is divided into two distinct topics; Business Training & Instructor Theory, both of which are vital to the successful operation of a martial arts academy and to your future success within the industry. With our guidance you

will complete a section of the training each week and attend a monthly seminar in order to fulfil your potential.


Eligibility for this course does not require you to be a Black-Belt. The course can be followed in conjunction with any level of martial arts training. It is therefore suitable for those who have just started their martial arts training i.e. white belt students or students who have already achieved the rank of Black-Belt. It is for anyone who wishes to turn their martial arts training from a hobby into a vocation. All you need is enthusiasm and the desire to turn your hobby into a successful career.

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