Certified Instructor Training
The Certified Instructor Training course is a
8 month programme and is taught via weekly workshops and monthly seminars at our centres & on-line..
The C.I.T programme is the gateway to gaining the new skills required to open a successful class with

Eligibility for this course does not require you to be a Black-Belt. The course can be followed in conjunction withany level of martial arts training. It is therefore suitable for those who have just started their martial arts training i.e. white belt students or students who have already achieved the rank of Black-Belt.
Simply being a Black Belt in martial arts is not enough to ensure your success as a professional… you may only be a white belt in business terms!
Most full-time instructors don’t have the business skills and training to understand and develop their school into a professionally run and profitable academy.
The Certified Instructor Training course is designed to fill this gap. Once you have completed the C.I.T course you will have all the skills needed to become a full time professional martial arts instructor or a successful school owner!
With our guidance you will complete a section of the training at each monthly seminar in order to fulfil your potential.
It is for anyone who wishes to turn their martial arts training from a hobby into a vocation.
All you need is enthusiasm and the desire to turn your hobby into a successful career.
Becoming an Instructor
This course is divided into two distinct topics; Business Training & Instructor Theory, both of which are vital to the successful operation of a martial arts academy and to your future success within the industry.
1. BUSINESS TRAINING – Working within or opening and operating a successful and profitable martial arts academy.
Marketing & selling martial arts programmes and products
Opening a new full-time school
Opening a new part-time satellite school
Planning for expansion
The 9 streams of income
The 9 Laws of persuasion
The 9 Key secrets for making big money in the Martial Arts
The 9 success axioms
Optimizing new student value
9 Telephone procedures and scripts
VIP recruitment procedures and scripts
Upgrade procedures and scripts
Communication skills
2. Instructor Theory - teaching great classes, guiding students to Black-Belt
Excellence and creating fantastic instructors.
• Teaching theory
1. Reading the Body
2. P.C.P (Praise Correct Praise)
3. Acknowledging Good Behaviour
4. Handling Frustration
5. Building Rapport 1
6. Building Rapport 2
7. Asking for Permission
8. Breaking Movements Down
9. Walking the Lines
10. Hands on Teaching
11. L B Triple E
(Leadership by Example, Excellence, Energy)
12. Prep Zones
13. T. E. A. M.
(Together Everyone Achieves More)
14. Dynamic Goal Setting #1
15. Dynamic Goal Setting #2
16. Hiding Repetition
• Protocol & etiquette necessary in a
Martial Arts Academy
• Training Assistant Instructors
• Organising events
1. Competitions
2. Graduations
3. Seminars
4. Social activities
5. Summer training camps
• First aid
• The Theory of Leadership
• Teaching the 12 leadership skills
1. Vision
2. Action
3. Confidence
4. Charisma
5. Motivation
6. Creativity
7. Communication
8. Courage
9. Persistence
10. Trust
11. Passion
12. Strategy
• Health & Nutrition
• Teaching techniques for Tiger Tots
(children 4yrs – 6yrs old)
• Teaching techniques for Dragons
(children 7yrs – 11yrs old)
• Teaching the history, philosophy &
tradition of the Martial Arts
• Child protection
• Teaching techniques for Adults & Teens
• Safety skills for children
1. Anti-Bullying
2. First Aid
3. Stranger Danger
4. Health & Hygiene
5. Road Safety
6. Holiday Safety
7. Fire Safety
8. Home Safety
9. Nutrition
10. Weather
11. Anti-Drugs
12. Traffic
• Life Skills for children
1. Balance
2. Cooperation
3. Coordination
4. Discipline
5. Exercise
6. Listening
7. Memory
8. Respect
Recruiting & training staff
Staff roles
Increasing student retention
Designing timetables
Employment Law
Health & Safety
Data Protection Act GDPR
Keeping and using statistics
Daily action plans
Internet website designs
Networking within the industry
Master Parkinson
More about This Course?
In the Instructor Training Programme there will be both book work and practical work for you to learn and understand how we go about teaching our students.
The first part of the Instructor Training session is the book work section. As a group you will go through a section focussing on a specific teaching skill. The basics of each section will be taught followed by a group discussion which will allow you to raise any questions.
Once all the book work sections have been concluded you will then be given the opportunity to employ the skills you have discussed and learnt in group mock class scenarios. There will be the chance to bounce ideas off each other within the the groups where you will be placed with more experienced Instructors who will bring new ideas and allow further discussion.
Once you have completed the entire course you will then have the opportunity to use your new skills in an actual class under the supervision of a Chief Instructor.
This CIT course will help you to develop the skills that are essential for all leaders and managers. It looks at the different qualities you may adopt, techniques for motivating and coaching your team, how to develop your emotional skills, and how to maximise your use of time.
By the end of the course, you’ll feel better prepared to make the most of your capabilities, so you can get the most out of yourself and your team.
Developed by business professionals
Accredited by the Learning and Skills Council in 2008
Access to online course and assessment with no time limits training
Live sessions with Masters
Approximate Duration: 8 months months but no time limit
On completion, certificate is presented by Master Salter
Who Should Take This Course?
This course is mainly aimed at those students who wish to elevate their learning to the next level.
The programme is suitable for anybody aged 13 years upwards regardless of rank. In fact many of our C.I.T students were white belts when they started. Your enrolment on the course is not dependent upon your physical ability or academic qualifications. The only requirement is enthusiasm and a desire to help others.
The course will equip you with the skills and show you how to apply and apply them more successfully to their role. It’s designed for those who want to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the different attributes and techniques that leaders should utilise, in order to get the most out of themselves and others.
How Much is the Course?
The CIT programme is £8000
However we currently have a offer for a further £2000.00 saving but be quick it won't be available forever.
Do I have to pay for it all at once?
No you can spread the cost with a down payment and monthly payments there's lots of flexibility with our
Payment calculator just choose the size of your down payment and then choose the timeframe to pay it off over.
Here you can access the discount calculator. Have a chat with your instructor if you need help or more details.
Take action today, join our Certified Instructor Training Programme,
become part of our success and kick-start your own!


There are many ways our Certified Instructor Training Programme can help you fulfil your ambitions to become a martial arts professional.
Here we have outlined five opportunities following successful completion of the Certified Instructor Training Programme.
1. Employed with FAMILY MARTIAL ARTS CENTRES at one of their full-time schools in a number of full or part time job roles, with exciting career prospects.
2. Employed with FAMILY MARTIAL ARTS CENTRES at one of their satellite schools (normally located within sports centres, community centres etc.).
3. Set up your own part time satellite school as part of FAMILY MARTIALARTS CENTRES.
4. Open your own full-time school as part of FAMILY MARTIAL ARTS CENTRES.
5. Use the information gained on this course to further a different career path. We have students who have successfully done just that.